I did everything but that little section above the Four Wheeler Door® Sunday afternoon, but Monday I just wanted to hang out so we went to a park, so that's the only part I did.
Next up I start framing the roof, after I tack on that little piece of siding right there on the corner.
There's geometry involved in roof framing, so I'm a little nervous. In high school the only F I ever got was in Geometry. The only D- I got was in Geometry too. Oh wait, no, I got an F in French II also. Bah, I was a senior at that point. My fate was already sealed. The ironic thing was I actually liked Geometry better than Algebra (I was no mathematician in that regard either) because I can visualize shapes and what not, but I just couldn't keep up with the homework assignments. Oh sure, I was a wee bit lazy, but I did ask for help, and I would start the assignments at home, hit a tough question, quit, and then be behind the next day. Why am i talking about this? Good night.