Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Old Car Manuals (and Brochures)

This is the coolest web site that I have stumbled upon in a long time.

The Old Car Manual Project

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Inheritance

My grandfather's old cologne bottles. Most of these I had never seen before, but the one I remember the most, and the one I really wanted to have, is the pheasant. I'm glad he still had it.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Roadside Repairs

Not exactly roadside per say, but I was 700 miles away from home when I heard a crunching noise emanating from the front left quadrant of my truck. Easy repair. No specialized tools required other than an axle nut, 32 mm, which I was able to borrow from AutoZone. Note the jack. The black one on the right. Its the first time in the 6 years I've owned this thing that I've had to use that jack. The really shiny part in the middle of the picture is the hub assembly, which is what I replaced.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Poor Timing

If I wasn't going up to NH this weekend, then there is a pretty good chance that this beauty would be parked in my driveway and a for sale sign slapped on the Dakota. I could go tonight, but I need to pack and change the oil in my truck. Ah, well, if its meant to be then it will still be available when I get back.