Friday, July 14, 2006


Let's start with an emphatic statement designed to catch your attention. The new Can-Am Renegade 800 is the first non-Honda, the first non-sport and the first 4 wheel drive ATV to EVER make me think twice about buying one.

There I said it. This may seem like heresy to some, and normally I would think so too, but this machine combines the best elements of both types of four wheelers and succeeds mightily (the first machine ever to do that in my opinion).

It was featured in this months Dirt Wheels and I was in awe from the moment I started reading the article. If I ever find myself with a spare $9299 lying around, you can bet there will be one of these in my garage (well, if I had a garage. Hopefully I will soon, the $9299 that's another issue).

I won't even bother to go into any more details. You can find that sort of stuff here and here and here.

I would link to the Dirt Wheels website, but it sucks, so I won't.


Rob said...


Big A said...

Plus your aging body will thank you for finally switching over to IRS.