Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Don't Feel Your Pain

I can’t wait until all these bass turds who took out huge mortgages and refinanced to the hilt get their bail out. It will make me feel real good that I settled for the cheapest 4 bedroom house on the market in the inner ‘burbs because I didn’t want to overextend myself. Maybe I should have. Who needs to be responsible for their own actions anymore?


Big A said...

it's not too late - you could blow off your mortgage for the next couple of months in hopes of qualifying for a bailout.

gagknee said...

that would be sweet. i could buy a lot of stuff with all that money. lcd tv for the kitchen and master bedroom, new plasma for the family room...

EssBee said...

Well if you decide blow off your mortgage, can we have a run trough your house before you get kicked out? I think there's a TV in there my husband would like...