Chesterfield board hears 70 speakers on budget druthers
So, yeah, there's budget crunch in my county. Just like every other county in this state and the country probably. To save money, $400,000 a year, the county wants to reduce recycling pick ups from twice a month to once a month.
Go for it, I say. In fact, eliminate it all together. Why should the government pick up our recycling free of charge? They don't pick up our regular trash, we pay a private company to pick up our trash each week, and I think that's the way to go.
If you feel so strongly about recycling, why not pay someone to come and get it? Or, how about this, why don't you go drop it off at the transfer station yourself? Imagine that. A novel concept.
Here are some of the things being affected by the new budget:
- 186 jobs eliminated
- School budget shrinks by 2.5 %
- No pay raises
Yeah, lets not cut the recycling budget. Heavens no.