Anyway, the people who would eat catfish, or yuck, carp, out of a river running through a good sized city are not going to be persuaded otherwise by some stupid sign. Don't get me wrong, the river's pretty clean, but still, we're talking about long lived animals that suck the shtuff off the bottom.
I remember one time I was fishing in the Salmon Falls River with some friends. I pulled a 4 foot long eel out, it fought like it was a sea monster, but I wussed out and wouldn't take it off the hook. A friend stepped on its head while trying to take the hook out and it coiled around his leg. Eels suck.
pcb as in circuit boards?
i, uh, have no idea
i assumed it was a chemical
oh here we go.
Polychlorinated biphenyls. toxic organic compounds. thanks wikipedia.
Meh. Envronmentalist scare tactics. OK, so large quantities of them are bad for developing children (Especially while still in the womb). But the occasional indulgence by a grown man with a fully developed brain (or at least as developed as it's ever going to get) should be no problem. You're right, though - it's still gross.
yeah. i agree, but still, i'd rather just go to a grocery store. plus, i don't really like catfish much.
nah. The only way to eat catfish is heavily breaded and fried so that it tastes pretty much like any other fried fish.
yeah. and unless you have a fryolater, hard to do at home.
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