Monday, November 02, 2009

I'm Back

From the brink of death. I told you those pumpkin seeds would have serious repercussions. Three days of work and most of my weekend. Lost forever.


HeatherLynn said...

are you freaking kidding me? Oh, sweetie, i'm so sorry to hear this!

*big get well hugs for you*

gagknee said...

nope. no kidding here. worst few days of my life. almost better now. back at work anyway.

thanks :)

HeatherLynn said...

you didn't have Diverticulitis did you?

* Abdominal pain, usually in the left lower abdomen but can be anywhere
* Chills
* Fever
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Weight loss


Small, protruding sacs of the inner lining of the intestine (diverticulosis) can develop in any part of the intestine. They are most common in the colon, especially the sigmoid colon, the lowest part of the colon.

These sacs, called diverticula, occur more often after the age of 40. When they become inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis. Diverticula are thought to develop as a result of high pressure or abnormal pressure in the colon. High pressure against the colon wall causes pouches of the intestinal lining to bulge outward through small defects in the colon wall that surround blood vessels.

Diverticulosis is very common. It is found in more than half of Americans over age 60. Only a small percentage of these people will develop the complication of diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis is caused by inflammation, or (sometimes) a small tear in a diverticulum. If the tear is large, stool in the colon can spill into the abdominal cavity, causing an infection (abscess) or inflammation in the abdomen.

Risk factors for diverticulosis may include older age or a low-fiber diet.
Tests & diagnosis

Tests showing diverticulitis may include:

* Abdominal palpation
* CT scan
* High white blood cell count


Usually, this is a mild condition that responds well to treatment.

A high-fiber diet may prevent development of diverticulosis. Some doctors tell patients with a history of diverticulitis to avoid nuts and seeds in the diet. However, there is no evidence that this is helpful to prevent the disease.


Pete said...


Rob said...

Was it the Flu?

Kaitlin said...

I was wondering if that was why you were staying home....

gagknee said...

nope, no diverticulitis. my dad has suffered from that though, so at my advanced age i am going to have to start thinking about it.

rob, no, pumpkin seeds.

yeah, kait, i didn't feel comfortable talking about my bowels on the phone with you :)