Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Beating Heart, Be Still


HeatherLynn said...

looks like fun to me! mhmm.


Pete said...

why are cool cars so cheap where you live?

gagknee said...

yes, indeed.

they are more plentiful because they don't rust away

rburnsy said...

I worked with a guy once that had one of these. I have never seen a car had the snot beat out of it more than that. When he was done in the mud for the day he would need to power wash the inside as much as the outside.

Rob said...

Better buy it before I sell my trailer...

gagknee said...

yeah, rich, they are cool little trucks. almost like a big 4 wheeler :)

rob is it for sale right now?

EssBee said...

Yes it is! And if you know anyone who wants it please send them our way! We have like 7 four wheeled items (not including ATVs) in our driveway right now.

Rob said...

7 sounds like an exageration... but it is actually accurate. 8 if you count the ATV trailer.

gagknee said...

thats awesome.

you should put a garage door into the back of your garage so that you could drive through and park a couple of those things in the back yard