Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bronco II Update

I went to look at the Bronco II in yesterday's post. The body and frame are solid. No rust whatsoever other than the surface rust on the hood and roof. It ran rough, but it didn't smoke or knock which leads me to believe it is just in dire need of a tune up.

Unfortunately, there was a deal breaker. It is NOT 4wd as stated in the craigslist ad. Oh well. Maybe I could talk them down to $250, find a donor vehicle (with 4wd), and convert it. It doesn't look hard.


Rob said...

I suspect you could find a 4x4 version easier than doing a conversion.

gagknee said...

but that wouldn't be as much fun :)

Big A said...

you have an odd definition of fun.

gagknee said...

oh come on. it would be fun. maybe he will accept my $250 offer