Friday, September 15, 2006

New England Blend

Brewed my first pot of Starbucks coffee the other day. It was mighty fine. I had a crude joke to make right now, but I have decided against it. I apologize.


mike gagne said...

plenty more where that came from.

i get a free lb every week.

is it really any different from store bought coffee?

Big A said...

Starbucks definitely tastes different than regular coffee - It has something to do with the way the beans are roasted, I believe. I don't particularly care for it - seems like it tastes kind of burnt to me.

Anonymous said...

It probably was burnt, I worked for DnD when I was in high school, "fresh" meant it had been brewed in the past hour or so...

gagknee said...

it WAS better. I usually drink, and still will, 8 o'clock coffee, which I love, but it isn't as good as the starbucks.

Big A said...

Don't most starbucks afficianados insist that you need a special starbucks coffee maker to brew it properly?

Anonymous said...

The best cheap whole bean coffee I found is Market Basket's brand. It's on par with New England Coffee but cheaper per pound....if you're ever down in the Nashua area pick up some Trader Joes stuff, best whole bean coffee I've ever had....

YouWho said...

aakerberg, have you been reading my blog or was that just a lukcy guess?

Big A said...

youwho - maybe. I can't really remember where, but I thought I read that somewhere. Did you write a post a while back about the new Starbucks opening in Dover?

speaking of coffee, I gave the McDonalds "Newman's Own" iced coffee a try a while ago, and I am hooked. That stuff is pretty good.

mike gagne said...

i hate coffee. it all the tastes the same to me. but i cant believe Big A prefers mcdonalds coffee over starbucks.