Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Right or Left?

I hate it when I take a drive during my lunch break and get lost. That never happened when I worked in Rochester. Come to think of it, it never happened when I worked in Manchester either, but then there was nothing desirable in Manchester to see during a nice lunch drive.


YouWho said...

I used to make a point of trying to get at least a little lost in Rochester during lunch. That game's no fun in Portsmouth. Not enough roads that go far, or they run into a highway. I would assume Manch was the same.

Big A said...

So how did it happen? Were you exploring? Or did you go into one of your "driving trances" for about 20 minutes and then snap out of it with the realization that you have no idea where you are or how you got there?

I'll never forget the day we ended up at the Jersey Shore.

stendy said...

did you have to ask for directions? haha

gagknee said...

yeah, manch was the same. you always ended up hitting a highway.

no, arik, every intersection looks the same with either a starbucks or an arbys on the corner, so i go through a couple of different intersections and on the way back i can't remember which arbys to take a left at and which starbucks to take a right at.

no, eventually i hit a highway.

Big A said...

mmmmm.... arbys.