The first time I ever tried ginger beer I hated it and was called a sissy. I took it like a man because, quite frankly, I was being a sissy.
A few years go by and one day while at my local Kroger (pronounced: kay - raw - jer) I bought a four pack of Stewart's ginger beer and willed myself to like it.
And now, like a hobo has his Wild Irish Rose, I have my ginger beer.
I used to hate olives....until i was forced to eat them...and like em...and now...surprise surprise, guess who orders black olives on her pizza now!
uhhhh....yeah, that'd be ME!
I never heard of ginger beer before, I might have to look into this.
goya is the bomb. its cheap and good.
mmm. anchovies and black olives. now thats a pizza.
pete, the chinese grocery i bought that from this morning had a whole bunch of goya flavors. i might try them all.
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