Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fabulous Movie Review®


If you know me at all and/or have eavesdropped on my diatribes on international travel then you know that I have no desire to leave this country, because only bad things happen to Americans who travel abroad.

This movie is the perfect example. If you are American and you travel to Europe then more than likely you are going to be kidnapped. I can't say it any clearer. Stay home. Or if you must travel outside of our borders then go to Canada. Or Australia if you are feeling particularly adventuresome.

So, anyway, this movie is great. Besides teaching you a valuable life lesson (and that lesson is...?), it is well made, and not over the top. Liam Neeson, who I always assumed was a big man, 6' 4" 200 at least, seems small and old in Taken, is the perfect preventer.

8 out of 10 (Very, very good)


Big A said...

Have you ever seen "locked up abroad" ? If you ever wanted to be proven right, that is the show to watch. It's scarier than a movie, because it's real.

gagknee said...

Ooo. no, i haven't. what channel?

Big A said...

It's on natgeo:


If you don't get that channel, you can get older episodes on Netflix or watch at least some of them online.

very eye-opening.

gagknee said...

cool. i don't get it, but i will get a few from netflix.

skape7 said...

Really? I watched this movie not so long ago and found it trite, stereotypical and completely predictable. The action was good, but that's about all.

Also, what's with the mug shot?

gagknee said...

stereotypical? as in "all europeans are evil"? because i am pretty sure that is completely true.

mug shot?! thats the best drivers license photo i ahve ever had. seriously, you aren't the first person to say that, but i don't see it.

Anonymous said...

skape7, gagknee only praises this movie cuz it supports his paranoid theory that all foreign travel is going to end badly!

gagknee said...

paranoid implies that i am not justified in my opinion, when with any common sense knows what i say is true.

HeatherLynn said...

I loved this movie, Liam really played the concerned abnormally kick ass parent...

that scene where she gets taken...really great stuff.
