Friday, June 16, 2006

Am I Insane?

Have you ever felt like you are going crazy? When these flowers bloomed last week, I could have sworn they were supposed to be orange tiger lilies. All spring I couldn't wait until the tiger lilies bloomed. Then they came up as purple krokuses (I think thats what they are). I could have sworn they were orange. These flowers were not planted by me either. They've been there since before we moved in 7 years ago.

I mentioned to my wife how silly I was for thinking they were orange and SHE thought they used to be orange too! Can flowers change colors and species? Maybe one of my neighbors swapped them out one night in early spring right when the ground thawed. That must be what happened because they were orange before. I know they were.


Rob said...

I think those are irises, which usually grow in very wet conditions. Maybe this is a result of global warming and your tropic rainforest weather.

skape7 said...

Maybe the orange ones haven't come up yet...

cthaviland said...

the orange ones haven't bloomed yet....usually not until late June early July.

The purple ones are irises and will spread.....they multiply quickly.

gagknee said...

irises! thats what they are. thanks.

maybe they've been dormant before. i dunno.