Monday, June 05, 2006

Fabulous Movie Review

The Ice Harvest
Another freebee from the library. Neither my wife nor I had ever heard of it. Gee, I wonder why. It stinks. Whenever it says on the case of a movie "From the creators of..." and its a movie that you liked, put it down and run run run.

I should give it 1.75 stars but because it told me it was by the creators of Groundhog Day, I am going to bump it down to 1 star of out 5. You can't pull that kind of crap. Its not right.


Rob said...

Billy Bob Thornton and John Cusack also starred in "Pushing Tin." I saw it in the movie theater. The most memorable part was waiting in line for popcorn.

gagknee said...

i saw that movie too. i liked it better than this one.