Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This Kinda Sucks

Yeah, I live in a Microsoft dominated world. Windows, .NET, Sql server, but the acquisition of Yahoo by Microsoft kinda sucks.

I straddle the fence between Google and Yahoo. Yahoo Mail vs. Gmail. MyYahoo vs. whatever Google has (iGoogle). Flikr vs. PicasaWeb. I like Google search better than Yahoo, but Yahoo Maps has gotten a lot better. Etcetera, etcetera...

For me, its an even split between Yahoo and Google and what services of each I use. I fear Microsoft is going to come in and muck it all up.


dbageek said...

OUCH! wow, seriously?? I've bailed on google ... almost completely, not cause i work for the competition but because their results have been going down hill lately ... they index TOO much. and the mapping ... check out local.live.com - it's the best! :) esp if you have a winmob phone.

pilgrimchick said...

Ahhh....Microsoft. Unwittingly knowing that it creates more problems than it solves. Case in point: Windows Vista. Congrats, Microsoft, for spending five years creating a new Windows program that requires drivers for certain software, won't recognize my printer, and asks me for "permission" every time I want to to....say, anything.

gagknee said...

seriously, dbageek? (i don't mean that sarcastically)

ahh, pilgrimchick, it's like having a digital mom.