Monday, October 01, 2007

At Work

New guy didn't show up today. Man, those contractors. What a life!

Requested read-only access to two databases from IT today for a new user in the department. I was informed that they are no longer adding new users to those two databases on that server because they now have those two databases on a new better server.

I asked them if all of the users on the current server had been automagically moved to the new server. You bet, he said. Except me, apparently.

Fill out a form, send it to my boss for approval, she sends it the server owner for approval, who sends it to database access control who assigns it to a dba...Two weeks later, I will find out my request was rejected, but no one will have told me.

You laugh, but its true. This JUST happened last week with the new guy.

If I had to estimate I would say about a third of the applications in our department connect to the databases on the old server. Connection string hard coded of course. Given all of the missing source code I've come across and multiple copies of projects, percentage of converting all of those applications to use the new server without problems, 0.

I don't like those odds. Therefore, I will ignore the problem and I hope I find a new job. Soon.


Pete said...

find a job in new hampshire.
and move back.
and hug me every wednesday.

gagknee said...

you're alive! they told me you were dead. those jerks.

there's no jobs in nh, unless you work in mass, and then you might as well move to mass, but then you aren't living in nh. so whats the point?

you'll discover these truths i have unveiled to you some day, He Who Wants Hugs.

Big A said...

Living in NH and working in Mass isn't that bad. Especially if you can "work from home"

Rob said...

Who is this Big A person? I thought he died.