Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'll Never Use this in Real Life

This woman at work and I have this little unofficial competition going on where we try to out practical joke each either. For example, one morning I rubber banded her chair to her desk so she couldn't pull it out. And she ate my Reese's Peanut Butter Cup that was on my desk, but left me one little tiny bite. The next day I left a long piece of scotch tape sticky side up on her chair. Well, you get the point.

The same day she ate the Reese's she also rearranged the keys on my keyboard. The thing is, the joke was on her, since I dont even look at the keyboard when I type, except when concatenating strings with odd characters like ^ and ~ or when deciding what keys are best to replace a %&*#@$ swear with. It took me several hours to discover she had switched it, and it was purely by accident. I think I killed her joy a little bit that day.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever use anything I learned in school (technically I never "learned" any real math) in real life (other than reading of course) let alone typing (Thanks Mrs. Beane).


Rob said...

I was just thinking to myself that it might be fun to be a teacher. But there is the lousy pay.... and the kids with guns... and the smoke filled teachers lounge... and the unappreciative kids like you that don't realize they have learned anything until they are messing around at work. Ugh.

gagknee said...

Rob, Rob, Rob. What am I going to do with you. I appreciate all of my teachers. Especially the ones who quit teaching after they had me, e.g. Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Brown.

No, seriously, I love teachers. When I look back and think about the people who had the most influence on me most of them were teachers. Mr. Kennedy, Gym, Horne St. School. Mrs. Keefe, 2nd Grade, Horne St. School. Mr. Fortier, 6th Grade, Horne St. School. Mr. Dahms, too many grades too list, SENHCA. Mr. Johnson, too many grades too list, who fanned the flames of my love for algebra (nooo, i kid), Mr. Forge, Chemistry, Somersworth High, I got a B in that class, plus, he was just about the coolest teacher I ever had. Mrs. Greenhalgh, French, Somersworth High, for putting up with more crap from me than Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Brown combined ever had to. AND she always did it with a smile.

So there. I can rememeber the name of every teacher I ever had in any class from first grade to 12th grade (college is foggy). If someone doesn't think I dont appreciate teachers, well, um, they dont know what they are talking about.

I can even remember the names of two substitute teachers I had in elementary school, Mr. Herlihy, because he was a little weird, and Mrs. Arnault because she used the term "passed gas" when someone farted and we all thought that was fuuuuuunny.

gagknee said...

Just in case there was any misunderstanding, I wasn't kidding about Mr. Johnson being influential, just about him fanning the flame for my love of algebra


one of the reasons Mr. Forge was cool was because he let me show a video of russhole and I blowing up a bomb that i made for a project. i think i got an A too. But he was cool for many many more reasons.

Big A said...

I'm with you Andy - Never in anybody's wildest dreams did it occur to us back then how useful typing would be. Oh, sure - I knew it would come in handy for typing papers and such in college, but that's about it. Since the PC and the Internet have revolutionized the way we do EVERYTHING, typing is one skill that I use constantly all day long. In fact, in our homeschooling of our kids, we have made a decision not to even bother with cursive writing - We've gone straight to teaching them how to type.