Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fabulous Movie Reviews

The Descent
Seven women go spelunking in North Carolina. One woman, or no women, appear to survive. The claustrophobic caves raise my blood pressure more than the blind albino cave dwellers, but it is still a good horror movie, but not without its plot holes and geeks commenting on the origins of the cave dwellers. 3.1 stars out of 5.

North Country
Right off the bat I noticed that while this movie was set in 1989, she (Charlize Theron) was driving an early 90s Chevy pickup truck. Huh? What? Was something in an early 80s vintage not available?

I didn't know what to expect from this free library rental. After getting hammered on the head for 82 minutes with the secksual harassment she and other women faced while working in the iron mines of northern Minnesota, eh, I was feeling that this movie was a little much.

It finished nicely however, albeit predictably, and while watching the special features they let me know that the actual period of time that the harassments took place was 9 years rather than the 30 days the movie made it seem which made the movie a little more believable. 2.98 stars out of 5. It would have actually gotten another two-tenths of a star but the whole pick up truck issue really bugged me.

My wife beat me at Scrabble really bad during the viewing of North Country. From now on I will only report on game results which involve me winning, which doesn't happen often.

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