Monday, September 11, 2006

Have you ever...

Talked in your sleep, sleep walked, or maybe dreamed of standing in front of a urinal only to awaken to a sudden spreading warmth? Well, last night, I spit in my sleep. I vaguely remember dreaming of being in some sort of showdown, and I spit in the dream to show my disdain for my opponent. I awoke instantly to a warm slippery mess of saliva running down my neck.


EssBee said...

I feel your pain...I haven't spit in my sleep, but I talk in my sleep a lot and my husband tells me about it the next day. I have even yelled so loud in my sleep that I've woken myself up. There's a sleep study institute somewhere looking for people just like us.

rburnsy said...

I yell in my sleep sometimes as well, unsually waking myself up. Lately I dream of kicking something or falling and wake up with my leg and foot in massive amounts of pain.

Once I was awaken by getting punch in the eye by my wife. She claims it was a muscle spasm. I think she was just getting even for something.

rburnsy said...

It wasn't a muscle spasm. I was rolling over and his face got in the way of my hand.

Heidi said...

i pulled a bookshelf over once. i was reaching out to pull a car door shut and grabbed the shelf instead. i also spit once too...i woke up the next morning and found my retainer on the floor.