Monday, November 19, 2007

No New Job Yet

I haven't heard back from the company for which I did my oral presentation and written exam yet. Not worried or anxious though. They took two weeks to call me after the phone interview.

I'm not the type to call after an interview. Don't want them to think I'm easy. Or desperate.

If they want me, then they want me and a little gluteolingus won't make a difference. Or maybe I am naive. They could be on the fence and have decided that the first person to call back gets the job.



Pete said...

so, what's the job for, anyway?
and the uturn website doesn't let me FTP anymore. do you pay for that host?

gagknee said...
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gagknee said...

developing crm and lead management web apps for car dealerships/

did you pay the bill?

Pete said...

theres a bill?

gagknee said...

there is, but its been paid.

i'll look into it.