Thursday, January 14, 2010


A 355ml glass bottle of Coca-Cola from Mexico made with sugar. It wasn't even a twist-off cap, but luckily I had my knife handy, so this post is actually a soda review and a knife log update.

Hands down the single greatest soft drink experience of my life. Nothing beats it. Not Throwback. Not Squamscot, well the Half and Half is pretty darn good, but no, not Half and Half either. Not Jones or IBC or Stewarts or Fanta or Market Basket or that really weird stuff from Dollar General that made my fingers numb.


Anonymous said...

around passover you can get kosher coke, that is made with sugar, if you look around for it.

it saves you the trip to mexico

gagknee said...

kosher coke? interesting. i'm not sure when passover is :)

Pete said...

where did you get mexican coke?

Big A said...

he paid an illegal immigrant to smuggle it across the border in his colon.

gagknee said...

yeah, what big a said. it cost a pretty penny too.

(the hispanic food section of my local grocery store)

Nathan Gagne said...

mail me a Mexicoke and I'll mail you a half and half.

gagknee said...

you have yourself a deal.