Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Refreshment Extinguishes Thirst

I was perusing the soda selection at my local 7-11 (of which there are three) the other day, and lo and behold I came across Garci Crespo Refresco Apaga Sed Toronja Bebida con Sabor Natural. It's the yellow labeled green bottle in the picture.

Grapefruit soda. Similar to Half and Half from Squamscot Soda, but it's not half grapefuit. It's all grapefruit. Ay, there's the rub. It's good and I like it, but it could benefit from a generous portion of lemon.


Heidi said...

isn't fresca, grapefruit soda?

gagknee said...

is it? i had no idea.

YouWho said...

I'm telling you man, find the Izze Grapefruit soda.