Wednesday, August 16, 2006

W for Wevenge

V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta stars the boyishly good looking Natalie Portman who inadvertently gets swept up in the cause of V, a government genetic experiment who is out for revenge. I think that sums it up. The movie is set in the future in London under a totalitarian regime that believes homosexuals are the world's greatest evil. Besides that message being beaten into our heads a few times, because, well, you know with people like Bush and Blair in power its bound to happen, although far more likely if someone like, oh, I dunno, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was to drop a bomb on the U.S., this was an excellent movie.

I highly recommend it to all my various friends: deadheads, metalheads, potheads, seamheads, muscleheads, boneheads, techheads, motorheads, *heads, geeks, freaks, nerds, dweebs, intellectuals, dimwits, narcissists, felons, ne'erdowells, good ones, bad ones, best ones and any other kind of friend I left out. All can enjoy this movie. It's that good. This I promise you. 4.3333333333 stars out of 5.


Beastie said...

I totally agree. I loved the movie, and thought that those people who said it was JUST about pushing an view and against the president etc. were just taking it a bit too seriously. Yeah there is a theme to the movie, but I thought it was just plain good, and did not preach too much...

YouWho said...

I liked it too. I even bought the graphic novel just to check it out. I haven't really done more than skim it, but it is surprising how much is the same.

All those people who thought it was just a thinly veiled propaganda piece against Bush would be surprised to find out that the original was written in the 80s with the Thatcher regime as the target.

gagknee said...

no kidding. i had no idea it was written in the 80s. i was thinking of buying the graphic novel too which would be a first for me.