Friday, July 24, 2009

We Are Not in a War

Usually on Fridays a guy I work with and I ride our mountain bikes. A couple of Fridays ago he crashed pretty hard following me up a hill (and that was after he crashed following me hop over a median). He didn't ride last Friday, and today one of his pedals fell off from damage sustained during his hill crash (and his seat was loose too from the attempted median hop). I convinced him he was fine to ride with the stub of his pedal (because that's what I like to do, convince people to do things they aren't sure they should do) and we continued on to Belle Isle. Once on the island I took him down a really cool trail and we stopped at a sandy beach to take a break and drink some water. A couple of minutes pass and I hop on my bike and start to leave and he's got a flat. I attempted to pump up his tire but the air is leaking out as quickly as I am pumping it in. Obviously, he was going to have to walk it back which sucks because its a good mile and a half back to work. He kept telling me to go on ahead, go on ahead, but you can't, I explained, ever leave one of your riding buddies behind. What if we were in a war and you got shot? The rest of us wouldn't run off and leave you to die. We are not in a war, he said. I gave up trying to explain and just rode around in circles while he walked.

I hope he rides next Friday and isn't discouraged by these never ending bicycle mishaps.


Pete said...

its good to hear that you care about someone

gagknee said...

i'm not sure how to take that.

Rob said...

You should invite me sometime...

gagknee said...

he and i ride every friday and i usually go out by myself on wednesdays, you're always welcome to ride either day or both.

last wednesday i did a big loop. from work i rode to belle isle. crossed the emergency access bridge. hoofed it up the 5 flights of stairs over the railroad tracks. rode down riverside dr (i think thats what it is) to sun trust. rode the floodwall to 14th st. crossed the mayo bridge and ended up back at work.

Anonymous said...

i think he's secretly sabotaging his bike in order to get out of riding with you. seriously, does anyone have that much bad luck?

Anonymous said...

i think he's secretly sabotaging his bike in order to get out of riding with you. seriously, does anyone have that much bad luck?

gagknee said...

hmm. you might be right, heidi. we'll see if he has it fixed and ready to go on friday. now, that i think about it, he did tell me last week his wife told him he shouldn't ride any more because he might get hurt. maybe he was making that up and just trying to weasel out of it.