Friday, May 26, 2006

Another List....

Skape7 put me up to this.

Ten things you have DONE that you will never ever ever do again. I have a story to go with most of these. Perhaps I will tell them in the future.

  1. Wash dishes at a restaurant or old folks home

  2. Ride my ATV blindly over the top of a hill

  3. Call my mother the "B" word (i was 17 and it was the only time she ever hit me)

  4. Work at a Help Desk or any kind of tech support/customer service job

  5. Watch a movie starring Tom Cruise

  6. Willingly drink expired orange juice

  7. Drink beer I found in a parking lot*

  8. Blindly trust another human

  9. Drive 80 miles an hour on a residential street and run two stop signs while unknowingly being chased by a cop

  10. Own a Ford

  11. Consume a 2 liter bottle of soda right before a 2 hour bus ride. A bus without a john. A school bus to be precise.

*When I was 19 in the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college I worked nights driving a sweeper truck. We did a lot of the parking lots in this area, Wal-mart, Shop n Save (all of the ones in this area from Dover to Rochester to Wells) and at least once a week we would find a 12 pack with at least a couple of unopened beers left in them.


Big A said...

yes, but how often did you find a car fender in a parking lot?

mike gagne said...


i called mom a liar once and she slapped my wrist, and then i tried so hard not to laugh.

Rob said...

"Unconditionally trust another human"... Blind trust is never a good idea, but as one of your close friends this smarts a little.

gagknee said...

um, rob, i think i'll remove that one or change it. its not exactly what i meant to say, and i dont want to take a paragraph trying to explain it. Suffice it to say that I trust you with my life.

gagknee said...

there, changed to blindly. much better and less crazy guy sounding.

skape7 said...

Good job! Those stories sound like they would be interesting.

My responses -

1. Me either
2. I can only imagine how badly that ended
3. My mum tried slapping me for something trivial when I was about 16 or 17 and I slapped her right back. We went back and forth for about 2 minutes before she realised slapping was never gonna work on me ever again.
4. I kinda like customer service - I'm very good at the sympathetic, understanding, calming bit.
5. I'm not paticularly a fan either, though I'm probably gonna see MI3 (for the special effects), but I'll wait til it's on DVD. I find Tom Cruise less attractive than Brad Pitt (you know how I feel about him) and not even a quarter as good an actor.
6 & 7. I would never be able to bear eating or drinking anything expired or found. You are obviously very brave or very reckless.
8. I HEAR YA. I have always had trust issues though.
9. Hahahahahahahahahaaaa!
10. Me either
11. I really hope you got out of that one unscathed.