Monday, May 08, 2006

What Being a Dad Means to Me

Being a Dad means wiping the snot off your baby son's nose with your thumb because you have no wipes or kleenex and then putting your hand in your pocket to wipe your thumb off.


Big A said...

One time, I was out shopping with my oldest daughter - I think she was about 2 years old.

I was looking at something, and heard her say, "here, daddy" out of the corner of my eye I saw her reaching out to hand me something. So, naturally, I took it from her.

It was a small black thing that sort of resembled a tiny raisin, but when I asked what it was, she happily informed me, "That was my booger!"

skape7 said...

It makes me shudder a little to say it, but being a mum means exactly the same thing.

gagknee said...

its like play-do

yep. 20 year olds with no kids have no idea either. Oops. I sound old.