Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I kinda broke this blog in Internet Explorer. Bear with me. It looks good in Firefox though.

Update: Well, I fixed it a little bit. Its the bodycount table that is messing it up and the raking post. I will revisit the problem later. I should look at it on my iBook too, but I don't want to. All day at work I have to do that, this is supposed to be fun.


mike gagne said...

it looks fine on my powerbook.

Beastie said...

What if with body count she gets a squirrel?

gagknee said...

I'll just add a new row to the table. he's never gotten a squirrel but last summer he did get two chipmunks and two snakes. if that happens again I will just add those to the table too.

a squirrel should probably count as two. they are BIG around here.

Big A said...

What do you mean by broken? It has looked the same to me for several weeks.

gagknee said...

by broken i meant it doesn't look like i intend it to look like which is how it looks in firefox.