Monday, May 01, 2006

On Saturday




some more.

I am not lucky enough to just have


the bulk of it is

Two truck loads of it. If my next house has any white pine trees in the yard, they are as good as firewood.


Beastie said...

We used to live just north of Chilis in Dover. On 108 on the right side of the road, if you drive by that area and look on the right side you will see some HUGE white pines. I was always afraid those suckers would fall on our place. I actually took a couple of their babies and brought them up to my Dad, about 5 years ago. They have grown less than 6 inches in that time...

Pete said...

we had a pine tree fall on our canoe once during a wind storm.
i think we had Ken Brison hack it up with his chainsaw, and once we got it out of the way, we found that the canoe, while a little dented, was perfectly fine. that's why you buy plastic boats.
that tree missed our house by about 3 feet.

gagknee said...

White pines always grow together, they probably can't grow without their evil power source.

Ok, that was dumb...I know.

gagknee said...

More proof that white pines are evil.