Thursday, March 02, 2006

Character Building Exercise

Think of 10 people that you know (ok, loser, you don't know 10, so think of 5).

Now, go to your happy place and think about each person individually.

What is the first word that pops into your head about each person? Remember it.

Go to tell each person what that word is, good or bad.

Be brave. They will appreciate the constructive criticism, even if that word is dummy.


Big A said...

I did it for you, and the first word that came to mind was "late"

Rob said...

HA-ha. Good one.

I did it for you Big A. Unfortunately, you were wearing shorts and I forgot the first word that came to mind because I was too busy bulldozing my happy place into the ground.

Big A said...

you're lucky I was wearing anything.