Saturday, March 11, 2006

Who was I kidding?

I went to bed at 10 last night and set my alarm for 5 am so I could start working on replacing the ball joints in my truck. Well, 5 o'clock rolls around and, wow, its very dark at 5. So I reset the alarm for 6, then 7. To make a long story short, i got up at 8. And it's too late start the truck now because I have to leave at noon to run a couple of errands and then go to a birthday party. Rats. If its relatively warm out tonight I'll probably start it when my wife gets home from work. Gotta go to The Depot and get me one of those halogen lights, for bright light AND warmth.

I was dead tired all week. Probably from the evil organisms that the expired orange juice planted in my system.


YouWho said...

Replacing ball joints? I am trying to work up the will to go pick up some sticks in my yard. Maybe I'll just load the dishwasher instead and call it a day.

Rob said...

I am trying to get as much done as possible until the baby comes and life as I know come to a scretching halt.

gagknee said...

yeah. i could pay a mechanic, but i have some sort of disease.

gagknee said...

The key word being "screeching".