Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Poor Wife and Other Stuff

Lurleen has been driving her absolutely crazy. I wish I could be home during the day because my powerful scowl is usually enough to scare away most people. Maybe I should have a life size poster of myself made up and put it on the slider doors to scare her off. Like garlic scares away vampires.

Lurleen Fun Fact:

Lurleen has a 9 month old daughter. Lurleen is trying to potty train her.

I looked at a map today and realized that Kentucky and Illinois share quite a bit of border. I bet she is really from Kentucky and not Illinois as she told us. It's kinda like when Rick's parents moved to Kentucky but he kept telling us they moved to Indiana.

Not to disparage the state of Kentucky, but its my third least favorite state that I have been to. Granted, I haven't seen much of it. Once, Big A and I drove to the Corvette Museum in his Camaro. The museum was very very cool, but what I remember most about the trip was setting the cruise control to 100 on the Blue Grass Parkway. Oh yeah, and he spent an awful long time in the bathroom at the most disgusting gas station I have ever seen. I wouldn't even go #1 in it for fear of mouse-sized microbes jumping off the urinal into my pants.

Here are my top 5 Least Favorite States

  1. Ohio - I lived here for a summer. You would think because I met my wife there it would be my favorite state. No. This list is purely based on scientific fact, not emotions. On an emotional level it is my favorite state. So, how come I don't like it? I just don't.

  2. Arkansas - I only drove through it once, of course it took 8 hours, but I felt the presence of great evil the whole time.
  3. Kentucky - Corvette Museum aside, if I hear one more story of people getting shot because they stumbled upon a meth lab in the mountains, this state is going to straight up to #1.
  4. Massachusetts - I just don't like it. At all. If it wasn't for the Red Sox, I would never go there (except to visit relatives, but they are moving to NH soon).
  5. Pennsylvania - I hate your highways Oh Keystone State. Other than that we're cool.


Big A said...

I remember That we decided to get in the car and go to the Corvette Museum BEFORE we bothered to find out how far away it was.

You forgot to mention how much you hate Pennsylvania's sports teams. Oh, wait - that's me.

Have you ever spent any quality time in Texas? If you had, I think you would add that to your list - maybe not as high as Ohio, but it's pretty bad.

gagknee said...

Yeah...It didn't look so far away on the map.

I spent a weekened in Fort Worth, thats about it. Not enough time to form an unfavorable opinion.

Rob said...

I wanted to go to the Corvette Museum for my honeymoon. Susan objected. That is when I realized marriage wasn't going to be all about me.

gagknee said...

Hehe. I'm sorry, Rob. When we both live in South Carolina we can take our sons on a road trip to it.

YouWho said...

"...people getting shot because they stumbled upon a meth lab in the mountains..." uh, from what I read in the news, that could be NH.

skape7 said...

Guys in Aus usually don't bother with urinals if there is a tree a ways off the road. Saves on worrying about mouse sized microbes I guess!

gagknee said...

Hahaha. Classy.

skape7 said...

;) That's Aussie guys for ya.