Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Kip Journal 1/19/1999

I say we direct all questions to Kip. He has all the answers anyway, why waste time asking anybody else.

First of all..If Kip is as good at playing bass as he is at say..building decks, don't stand on any f*****g deck that he has ever been near. I started out playing some very basic rudamental chord progressions an the dude had no clue. Knowing that this wasn't going anywhere..I told him to play what he usually does..he ended up talking his way out of it and before I knew it, we were just drinking beer talking about all the stuff that Kip had done before he was married. He did bring over some Decent beer though..I'll give him that.

[9.5 doesn't seem very happy about his Friday night with Kip. Ed.]

Kip used to manage an apartment complex and was the owners best friend. They partied all the time.

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