Friday, March 03, 2006

Speaking of Adults that Stink

There was a woman who used to work here (got fired a couple of weeks ago), and she had a fondness for garlic. One day her breath was so bad the entire ROOM smelled like it. Theres about 15 people in our room here on the 3rd floor, so its a good sized room.

Another day, and it was after lunch so she didn't have time to stink up the whole room, she was in the cube next to me talking to my boss and I could smell her in my cube. Awful. Just awful.

As a sidenote, have you ever felt bad when someone you worked with got fired? Maybe because you know its not easy to find a new job or you liked the person or any number of other reasons. Well, me too, but not in this case. I think I was actually a little happy (her and I didn't get along).

Also, she was directly responsible for someone else getting fired a few months before, so she got what was coming to her.


Rob said...

Sounds like a lot of people are getting fired. Maybe you should get a haircut.

gagknee said...

Nah. I am in no danger of getting fired.

Big A said...

There is an indian guy (from india) here at work that apparently loves curry. Holy crap, he stinks.

On a side note, one day the same guy emerged from the bathroom stall after taking a crap, and went straight out without even glancing at the sink. I steer clear of him whenever possible.

gagknee said...

hahahaha. gross.

you can debate about the merits of washing your hands after #1, but #2 is not up for discussion. thats just gross.