Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Other Tasty Animals

I got to thinking, what are some other animals that are probably tasty but I've never eaten them, and are there any good recipes for them. Here's the list, in order by most want to eat:

wild boar

Oooooo, I found this site that has recipes for animals I never even considered, like woodchuck.

One animal I could never bring myself to eat, possum. They look like giant rats undergoing chemotherapy. I stepped out my back door one night and a giant one went scurrying across my path about 2 feet. It scared the crap out of me.

Oh yeah, and raccoons. Any animal notorious for eating garbage and getting rabies is definitely off the list.


Big A said...

I have eaten Raccoon before. It was during Air Force survival training. The instructor knew what he was doing, because it was delicious - although I suspect the flavor was mostly seasoning to hide the taste of garbage. The meat was EXTREMELY tough, though. Most people chewed it until the flavor was gone and then spit it out.

During the same weekend, we also caught, killed, and ate a snake. After it was skinned, we cut it into 2-inch lengths, and roasted the pieces over an open fire like you would hot dogs. THAT was delicious - especially with just a touch of barbecue sauce.

gagknee said...

Oooo. Nothing beats snake roasted over an open fire.

Big A said...

Ooh - one time when I was a kid, my dad and I were out hunting with Mike and Chris Royce. We didn't see anything all day, but we ran over muskrat with the car on the way home.

We gave it to Elliot Baptist church for their annual "big game" dinner. I remember trying it, but I don't recall it being remarkable in any way.

gagknee said...

Ew. Muskrat.

EWWW. Roadkill.