Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Die, Little Bear, Die

From a children's cartoon that I loathe, Little Bear:

Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not

Screw you, Little Bear, I am sick of weathering this weather. This Old England weather we have been having in New England the past few years during our summer months sucks. Summers should be HOT and winters should be COLD. I want drought, famine and maybe a little bit of pestilence (anybody remember in the early 80s when gypsy moth caterpillars wiped out every last bit of vegetation?). When I go outside I want my hair to become instantly saturated with sweat. I want the air to be so thick with humidity that I can drink it. I want the soles of my shoes to melt when I walk on pavement.

It's June 7 and we slept with the windows closed last night. The furnace turned on in the middle of the night and I got up and turned it off. Summer is supposed to be a time of conserving your oil. A time when the oil man gives you a season of rest from bending over for him.

We now get one summer month a year. July. The rest of the year is cold, wet and miserable.


Heidi said...

i remember the caterpillars. the boys in my neighborhood would skid their bikes on the slick caterpillar shit covered pavement. there were so many you could hear them 'crunching' the leaves.

skape7 said...


I wouldn't normally, but I totally want it to be summer already simply because I just can't get warm enough sleeping all alone :(

Rob said...

You know where they have nice summers? Virginia.