Friday, June 30, 2006

Kip Journal 2/12/1999

Kip has been at the VPN meeting all morning. Poor John, there is no escaping that teletubbie lice ridden face.

Kip was complaining what a busy morning he had. First training, then hanging around anwering a couple of calls. Oh what a tough day he has had wheeew.

Kip's idea of taking calls is talking to his wife. If I hear "I wuv u" or "sweet" one more time, I'm going to tie him to the back of my bumper and drive home like the dog on the movie Vacation.

At Kip's college they could smoke in the classrooms and they didn't care as long as you didn't put your butts out on the floor.

I believe Kip achieves a sexual high everytime he says "recompile the kernel".

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